Friday, 3 June 2011


I strongly feel that socioeconomics should be further developed as a field of study. Perhaps it can be called socionomics or something else. The name doesn't matter, the definition does. Basically, social economics (in case no one got the fact I combined two words together) is the study of human interaction in social situations. No, it is different from sociology because I firmly believe human behavior completely changes when one relates to their external environment, and therefore a new set of rules, patterns emerge. These new algorithms can be not be defined by one set formula, but different patterns relating to how an individual is characterized by.

Most commonly, this study can be exemplified in the bar/club scene. One will notice through simple observation the different characteristics shown. Males will often be split 60/30/5/5. 60% of the male population will feel too socially awkward to approach a female, and thus will hang around the perimeters of the establishment. Sometimes, one of them will get "lucky" if a female drags them onto the floor, but this is usually rare occurrence. 30% of the males will arrive with a female escort(s) and will most likely hang out with their group. However, some of these males have the propensity to explore the existences beyond their circle, but often nothing will occur. The last 10% of the male population are the clever, and the handsome. The 5% are clever, charmers who can engage anyone (either gender) in conversation and usually come across as whatever characteristic they are emphasizing. Often they will approach a target with a set strategy and conversation topic in mind. It's not that it is planned, rather it happens naturally to them. On the opposite side of the spectrum is the 5% that are commonly known as "jocks". They are too unintelligent to realize the social consequences of their actions, and therefore have liberated themselves from imprisoning barriers. Sure, this segment will strike out a lot as they will often come across terribly, but will most likely succeed in a bar scene simply because of probability of numbers. It truly is a numbers game.

On the female side, there are two main types without divulging in further study. Mainly, girls herd together in groups and engage in protective stances to ensure that none of their members are left alone available for pouncing. Sure, this is a harsh way of putting things, but homo sapiens are members of the animal kingdom and do possess certain relational characteristics. There are certain more adventurous girls who possess certain male characteristics and can occasionally be mistaken in their more aggressive intentions.

This has been a short analysis of human decisions in a typical bar environment. More scientific research could add value to this field, as I think it is a worthy field of study that should be given academic consideration. Understanding the difference of behavior between intimate and social situations could provide valuable insight into human cognitive function.


Anonymous said...

Hi Alex,

Good start. Due to sociology being an extremely wide topic, what you described fits within the field of micro sociology

I think you'd like:
-Garfinkel's Ethnomethodology
-Erving Goffman (dramaturgical theory)
-symbolic interactionism in general
-rational choice theory


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