Well, the world did not end on December 21st .
However, the Mayan’s may have been on to something.
The year 2013 promises to be both interesting and
potentially difficult both economically and politically, as the world prepares
for another rotation around the sun. This blog will explore technology,
economics, politics, science and other issues of each division of the world
from a more broad perspective, and predict certain events while also proposing
solutions. It will be broken down into Africa, Europe, South America, Australia
and Oceania, Asia, the Middle East and finally North America. Lastly, a
conclusion will be provided, while each continent will be ranked in a quadrant from the risk/reward quadrants.
Africa will be the subject of this posting.
Egypt has often been the focus of news in Africa as of late.
The removal of Mubarak and election of Mohammed Morsi has proven to be an
interesting turn of events, but the excitement is far from over. Morsi symbolically
removed ties from the Muslim Brotherhood, but that move hardly removes the
influence the party has on the President. The credo of the Muslim Brotherhood
is particularly concerning for a political organization, stating [translation] “Allah
is our objective;the Quran is our law, the Prophet is our leader, Jihad is our
way, and death for the sake of Allah is the highest of our aspirations." Sharai’ah
law is also promoted by this group. Many have defended the group’s strictly
democratic intentions, but this has not prevented the group from displaying
some rather disturbing and violent demonstrations. The Brotherhood launched the
Freedom and Justice Party in Egypt, which won 60% of the seats in the 2011
elections, with Morsi winning the Presidency. The party has strayed from strict
conservative Islamic ideas such as allowing Coptic Christians and woman as
candidates for cabinet positions – which is comforting. Adding to the fact is
the party is being watched by the world and their own people to prevent Egypt
from slipping into a radical Islamic state. The burning of Muslim Brotherhood
offices in response to Morsi’s power grab shows that the people will keep the
political organization in check.
However, Islamic extremism has been worrisome in the
country. The attack of Coptic Christian churches and public rape of Coptic girls
or girls who refuse to adhere to certain renditions of Islamic theology is
quite concerning. Egypt will be wrestling with Islam in 2013, with the entire
world watching as it has influence over the Palestine/Israeli situation. The former
Israeli ally could potentially have a different foreign policy, potentially not
so friendly to Israel.
In addition to Egypt, Tunisia and Libya have seen larger
protests with Western Saraha and Mauritania also seeing similar Arabic Spring
protests in 2011 – with lesser mainstream news coverage. Mauritania has seen
the return of President Mohamed Aziz, who survived an assassination attempt.
Tunisia has seen the implementation of the Ennahda Movement, an Islamist party
that has been accused of double speak. Currently, it rejects radical Islam and
openly supports secularization of state and economic freedom. However, it was
slow to condemn anti-Semitic rants and only has two women in regional
leadership positions. Additionally, while Somalia has seen some progress in
fighting Islamic extremism, Mali has been thrust into a battle with Tuareg
rebels attacking and destroying artifacts deemed un-Islamic (such as destroying
mausoleums in Timbuktu). Threats of Western intervention are keeping the
Islamists from total control.
I don't think they are happy. |
Basically, 2013 will see the continuance of the Arabic
Spring as 2012 did, with Islam playing a large role. The evolution of the
Islamic faith could be compared to the Renaissance experienced by the Christian
faith centuries ago. Right now, Islamic leaders must decide whether to abandon
ancient beliefs such as discrimination of women’s rights, and embrace religious
freedom and a division between the state and religion. Continual monitoring in
Africa of this renaissance will be the key to determining many African state’s policies
in the upcoming year – both economic and political. The battle against African Islamic
extremism will be quite fierce in 2013.
Although the extremist Islam threat is worrisome, there are
plenty of other problems in Africa. Namely: corruption and opportunists. Opportunists
such as China are busy instituting the second colonial invasion of Africa
through their constant pursuit of more resources to fuel their industrial
growth, or selling of counterfeit medicine. It is estimated that a third of
malaria drugs are fake in Uganda and Tanzania, and originate from China and
India, while the market for counterfeit drugs in Africa is around $100 billion.
Corruption is also a major issue, as the
little government regulation that exists can often be side stepped by throwing
a bit of cash at the correct person. Exemplifying this is the fact that the mother
of Nigeria’s finance minister was kidnapped and released five days later. The
finance minister was a heavy campaigner against corruption, and her mother’s
kidnapping proves she has quite the battle to wage.
These two issues in Africa have drastically affected the
African private sector for a few reasons. First, a private company must have
large political connections to have any sort of economic success. Additionally,
any sort of institutional reforms are done at the whims and interest of the
current political structure. The Center for International Private Enterprise
(CIPE) and the Mo Ibrahim Foundation have been advocating changing this, but
are facing fierce opposition.
Wasn't smiling when accused of rape |
South Africa has often been seen as a leader in Africa, and
Jacob Zuma will continue his Presidency after winning the ANC party leadership
once again. Zuma has faced personal financial troubles (in which Mandela had to
bail him out of), and charges of abuse of office and corruption. Zuma often has
been seen as a controversial figure, especially after singing the “Shoot the
Boer” song, a rather anti-white tune. Zuma must continue to fight against
racism, which has occurred against the whites as remnants of the hate of
apartheid still exist. Equal treatment must occur, but it is doubtful this will
be pushed by Zuma who seems more interested in renovating his mansion.
However, there are positive things occurring in Africa.
Specifically, South Africa’s new Science and Technology minister is investing
in scientists and R&D. He hopes to create six new centers of excellence to
attract skilled scientists and researchers to increase South Africa’s
contribution to the world’s technological advances. South Africa currently has
about 80% of the world’s known titanium, which could be used in 3-D printing
and production of aerospace parts. The 10 year strategy to grow South Africa
into a knowledge based economy is bold, but a strong step in the right
Education will be key to Africa’s success, and the use of
cheap tablets and laptops could spearhead this. Currently, Kenya is embracing
tablets in a pilot project at the Amaf School. eLimu, a for profit organization
is promoting digital education along with strategic partners such as M-Pesa .
Other national firms such as Intel are looking to improve sales by focusing on
Africa. Encouraging results such as a 50% increase in average science scores
after the tablets were introduced at Amaf show that the digitization of
education could be promising. In Ghana, reading skills improved after Kindle
readers were provided by a One Laptop per Child, as researchers state that
children even without teachers figure out how to use tablets and laptops quite
Ghana will be a country to watch in 2013, as they have just
re – elected John Mahama, and their economy is expected to grow by 7.1% in
2012. Although a slowdown in oil production has hurt Ghana, the economy faces a
problem in increasing economic activity – that is high interest rates by banks.
To continue Ghana’s growth, the cost of borrowing should be lowered to allow
domestic firms to compete against international ones. Ghana’s resources will
lead the way with iron, cocoa, and diamond exports. However, reinvesting the
proceeds of the resources into public education and health will be the
determinant of whether Ghana can continue their success.
Ethiopia, Nigeria, and Angola are also interesting countries
economically. Nigeria is Africa’s
largest oil producer, and reminds many of Brazil before policy reforms
stabilized the country. Although Nigeria’s political turmoil, corruption, and
threat of civil war between Christians and Muslims cause much uncertainty, the
potential return of profits for investors who can create better
telecommunications networks, stronger agricultural means and invest in oil
refineries could induce more economic activity. Although Nigeria has seen a 7%
growth rate because of oil profits in the last decade, without reinvestment in
their own people and solving corruption and population dissension, Nigeria
could stop being an African star.
Angola could be renamed as a Chinese state. Investment by
China to claim oil has spurred economic growth, as well as diamonds, uranium,
gold and iron. Angola’s government has apparently reduced poverty, and
instituted infrastructure plans. These plans come from China, which have been
dubbed oil-for-infrastructure plans. Although many criticize the deals as
favouring China, infrastructure is badly needed in Africa and this is one
method of getting it. The IMF has praised Angola’s reforms, as Ernest and Young
now audits the government’s accounts, and has a full-fledged expenditure
tracking system. However, many activists
have stated that these macro-economic reforms are simply to appease credit
rating agencies and debt covenants held by the IMF, and have not trickled down
to help the general Angolan population. The Angolan oligarchy has gotten richer
while improving their international reputation, while the reality of many
ordinary Angolans remains bleak. Improvements in social programs will be the next
step in Angola; when the political elite decide to institute these reforms is
another question.
A strong example of an African government reinvesting well
is Ethiopia. Strong public investments in education, agriculture and infrastructure
have paid off with 11% economic growth between 2010 and 2011. With little
resources, Ethiopia possesses a large population of 85 million that can become
a strong consumer base, as well as being a net exporter of electricity. Ethiopia currently has a doctor shortage and
has increased the size of their existing classes and opened 13 new schools.
However, many have criticized the plan to address the shortage by stating the
policy is too aggressive and will create a generation of unqualified and
inadequately trained doctors. Either way, Ethiopia’s give year Growth and Transformation
plan has emphasized sustained economic growth and development of industry while
also empowering their people through education. Health service has improved
dramatically. However, in addition to the doctor shortage Ethiopia faces the
threat of famine.
Although The Economist states that Africa is attracting
large amounts of foreign investment, and the mentioned countries show strong
potential, another threat faces Africa. Famines, droughts, and the constant
threat of spread of diseases such as Africa will continually remind the world
of Africa’s difficulties. Some estimates suggest increased drought risk and
lower water access for Africans in the upcoming years. In addition to this,
changes in the ecosystem will affect the agricultural industry in Africa.
Without a doubt, Africa has both promises and problems. The
question for many will be whether corruption, Chinese exploitation, Islamic
extremism and lack of public reinvestment will continue, or begin to wane as
more sustainable policies are urged into practice. In 2013, Africa will have a
constant struggle to unite different populations under one banner, as the
Christians and Muslims continue to fight while South Afrikaans continue to
fight for their place in a country with a fresh memory of Apartheid. Unity will
be the theme of 2013 in Africa, as populations will need to deride their
differences to create strong constitutions, government, and fight back at
tyranny. With this general theme as an influence, the following are the
predictions for Africa:
- Africa will lead the world in economic growth, as investors usher in new products to a new and large consumer base. Additionally, new ideas in education and healthcare will see more Africans contributing to their country’s economy as more innovation will spur from the continent itself.
- The Islamic extremist threat will slowly wane as support for the cause lessens. The public will grow tired of fighting, while the negativity of the rape displays will portray rather unsavoury images of the Islamic groups who will have to become a bit more liberal in their attitudes to continue to attract members.
- Egypt will have one more major riot, which will result in more democratic checks and controls being put in place as President Morsi continues to define his leadership.
- Corruption will always be present in Africa, however most governments will realize that to attract more private companies, stronger forms of governmental regulation and law will have to be enforced. This will cause a slow gravitation of stricter policies against corruption promoting free enterprise.
- Education will be a strong theme in Africa in 2013, and will have affected positively by distribution of technology such as tablets and laptops.

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